Friday, June 12, 2009

Bike Race... the saga continues

The other night, I was talking to a pro DH racer friend of mine, who looked at the race photo I have up on Facebook and said, "Wait -- did you really run those tires in the race? Those are downhill tires! Look at those knobs. You probably had twice the rolling resistance of everyone else." He was absolutely sure that had I been running other tires, I would have placed at least one better. Second place, easy.

Then, at spin last night, I was talking to my friend Jackie, who watched the race (above). She said that the chick who took first in my division went the wrong way and skipped the big monster climb on the first lap. (I'm sure it was an accident -- there were no course marshalls where you turn up the hill, and the "regular loop" skips that hill.) So that eliminates the first-place girl...

It's almost like I won! Hahaha...

There's another race this weekend in Napa -- the Skyline Dirt Classic -- but I can't go, because I'm getting a fabulous new haircut. AFTER I do a little tire-shopping, that is.

1 comment:

The Longs said...

hahah!! that's so awsome!