Saturday, February 27, 2010

Photograph of the Day, February 27, 2010

Foreground: Irina smiles at the camera as Dr. Ahmed watches a crowd of people singing karaoke in the courtyard. The pink scarf around Irina's neck is hand-made Chinese silk produced at the oldest and most renown silk producer in China, which has been making silk textiles for Chinese rulers since the days of the emperors.

Mid-Ground: Gates built in the 15th-16th Centuries provide shade and spatial dimension for visitors of Beijing's Temple of Heaven, a 237-square-hectare area containing temples, altars, gardens, bridges, and a man-made cyprus forest. Vendors and street performers provide entertainment as Chinese citizens and tourists wander the grounds daily for exercise, inspiration, relaxation, and sight-seeing.

Background: Built atop concentric risers of carved marble in the 1400s, the main temple on the grounds rises high over the other structures in the area, and can be seen from virtually every point within the Temple of Heaven. It is a massive structure, and a masterpiece of ancient Chinese architecture.

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